

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Winding up the end of the year and here are some of my favorite things that I have found in 2014. Some are fitness related, some are not.  Everything here are things I definitely can't live without!

#1- 21 Day Fix!!
It has literally been a life changer for me. This program, coupled with Shakeology, which is also one of my very favorite things, has helped me reset how I think about food. It has taught me the right things to eat and the right portions. Shakeology has helped me overcome my cravings and is a delicious drink that is SO healthy and full of dense nutrition that helps your body get what it needs.

# 2- The Nutri-Bullet
I love using this for everything!! We got it at Costco this summer and use it ALL the time. To blend our morning Shakeology drinks, to blend eggs, making salsa, making spaghetti sauce, anything. And it comes with this awesome recipe book to try all kinds of different things from smoothies to soups.

# 3- Jawbone
This is a more recent love because I got it for Christmas. I wear bracelets all the time and this fits right in with them and you can't tell it is a fitness tracker.  It tracks my sleep, it tracks my steps and helps me set fitness goals. The app connects to your phone so you can also keep track of your meals and calories and water intake. I love it!!

#4- Journals and Notebooks
I am constantly making lists and keeping journals. This is a picture of how many I am currently using. One is a journal I am making for my husband. Around October, I decided I wanted to be more appreciative of him and be more aware of all the good he does for our family. So, every morning I write in this little notebook the things I noticed the previous day that he did to show our family or me he loved us. It has really made a huge difference in our relationship and he doesn't even know I am keeping it. The plan is to fill it up and give it to him for his birthday in a few weeks. Writing down the memories that I have with my kids and keeping track of what I am grateful for. I know there are all kinds of apps for these things, but there is something so great about writing things down.

#5- The Kale Salad from Costco
Costco really should be on this list, because I am there a couple times a week sometimes. This salad is my FAVORITE!! It has Kale and brussel sprouts and all kinds of greens making it super healthy and then it comes with a poppyseed dressing and pumpkin seeds and cranberries. YUM! If you have not tried it pick it up next time you are at Costco!

#6- Mascara
My 2 favorites are Too Faced Lash Injection and Loreal Voluminous Butterfly Intenza. I love 
make-up and getting all fixed up, but with 4 little kids this does not happen every day. So most days it is just a coat or two of mascara and some tinted moisturizer. These are my favorite ones right now because they do not clump and make your lashes look super thick and long.

#7 Mentos Gum
This might possibly be the best gum I have ever had. You know how you chew gum for a long time and after a while it gets kind of grainy and loses it's flavor. Not Mentos gum. It stays smooth and full of flavor FOREVER. Nothing compares to it. And it comes in a giant pack so it lasts forever. The other day I was digging through my church bag and found 3 containers of it! I guess I wanted to make sure I didn't run out of gum at church. 

Hope you all have a happy New Year!

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