

Monday, January 5, 2015

My Progression

Today I took after pictures and before pictures.  These pictures marked the end of my P90X3 journey and the beginning of my Insanity Max 30 journey.  These pictures show my beginning on Sept 12, 2014 when I was starting the 21 day fix program. I learned so much from that program, the thing I am most thankful for is that I learned how to eat. I learned what the correct portions were and the right foods to eat to fuel my body and give it the nutrition it needs to be healthy. Shakeology helped me to overcome my unhealthy cravings. Shakeology is a delicious protein drink that is full of dense nutrition that helps you overcome those cravings.  I did 5 weeks of 21 Day fix and then started P90X3, starting Oct 13. I stuck with the meal plan in 21 Day Fix. P90X3 is a 90 day program, 7 days a week. It was tough and with the Holidays it was tough to stick with the eating plan, because of all the treats and parties, but I did not miss a day of working out. I love the 7 days a week workout plan because I was in such a routine of waking up at 5:30 am and getting my workout done before the kids were awake and it kept me consistent. Yesterday I finished my P90X3 and this morning I woke up and started my Insanity Max 30. It was a butt kicker. It is designed to push you to your max until you can't go any further. I thought that I would be doing pretty good, having done P90X3 for 90 days prior.  I started the workout full force and at 6 minutes and 38 seconds I was done. I had to take a break because I was going all out. It was brutal, but I can't wait until tomorrow!
On September 12, 2014 I started at 165 lbs
Today on January 5, 2015 I am at 148 lbs.
I have lost almost 16 inches.
On this journey the last few months, I am not as concerned with the scale. The scale is a good indicator on where I am at, but the best indicator is how I feel, how my clothes fit and how I am doing mentally. Those are my indicators.

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